El trabajo tutelar en la formación del residente de ginecobstetricia
Juan Antonio Suárez González, Ydalmis Gómez González, Mario Gutiérrez Machado
The activities involved in education at work enable the students to deepen their knowledge, habits, skills and modes of action. They enhance the personal responsibility in caring for the family and the community, both the sick and healthy people, and those at risk. Eventually, they allow reaching the educational and instructional objectives of the curriculum. This goal is achieved by working as a member of the basic working teams in the services and institutions of the Cuban National Public Health System were they are assigned, always under the control and monitoring of the professor in charge: the tutor. The daily contact with tutors allows students to be educated in the principles of socialist medical ethics and, in particular, to achieve an emotional relationship with the individual, family, community and teamwork. In this way, the humanistic approach to the exercise of the profession develops, and this is the essential theme of this article.
Palabras clave
educación de postgrado en medicina; tutoría; practica profesional; ética médica
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Copyright (c) 2016 Juan Antonio Suárez González, Ydalmis Gómez González, Mario Gutiérrez Machado